
At Not Just Granite, we are committed to bringing you the highest-quality products and services. We understand how important it is to love the home you live in, which is why we are here to help. If you are new to the world of quartz, sintered stone, granite and marble manufacturing and installation, the section below may provide you the answers you need. 

What’s the difference between a granite and a quartz worktop?2019-10-08T21:44:25+00:00

Granite is a naturally occurring stone that is quarried. It is an igneous rock that is composed various rocks and minerals. The colouring of granite varies not just from site to site, but within the stones themselves. Granite is durable and strong, however, it is a naturally porous rock and must be sealed. Post fabrication, your granite worktop is sealed in our factory using the latest up-to-date impregnating sealer. This sealer has a 15 year performance warranty. This effectively means that you need never seal the worktop again. Impregnating sealers work by repelling liquids rather than blocking the pores of the stone. The reason is so that air can still move through the pores allowing the material to ‘breathe’ naturally. It is the best technology available to protect against staining while preserving the look and natural integrity of your surface.

Quartz worktops are manmade engineered stone using 90-95% quartz, resin, pigments. Often, quartz worktops are made to simulate natural stone, however, some worktops come in hues not seen in nature. Quartz is durable, strong, and nonporous. It requires no sealing and is easy to clean. 

What is sintered stone?2019-10-08T21:45:04+00:00

Sintered stone is a surface material that is often made to look like other materials. The manufacturing process mimics the way natural stones are made, but it doesn’t take thousands of years! To make it, workers take stone particles and introduce them to heat and pressure that mimic what happens in the earth; the result is man-made stone and the previous particles and bonded together permanently.

Do I have to have a proper drawing to get a quotation?2019-10-08T21:45:39+00:00

No, a sketch will do. As long as it gives the dimensions and details of any cut-outs you want. If you have an existing kitchen please provide us a sketch accompanied with a few pictures. 

Can we choose and view the material before manufacturing commences?2019-10-08T21:46:02+00:00

Yes, in fact we recommend that you come and see the material as they can vary from batch to batch. We are open Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday mornings,  by appointment only. We will also be happy to provide you with samples to take away.

What is your payment policy?2019-10-08T21:46:29+00:00

Based on the dimensions and the all the extra requirements you provide us, we will provide you with a quote. If you would like to go ahead we will request a 50%  deposit at the time of arranging the templating visit.  Once templating is completed, the final price will be confirmed.  Generally, it will only change from original quote if the dimensions vary from those used in your initial estimate or if you change the colour or extras you want.  The remaining balance is  due on the day of installation via debit or credit card. 

Do we need to be present when templating or fitting?2019-10-08T21:46:48+00:00

It is best if you are there when we template to answer any questions we might have. The same applies to fitting, so that you can confirm that you are happy with the finished product. If you are unable to be on site when we finish the job, we will photograph the work and sign off on your behalf.

What do we need to do to be ready for templating?2019-10-08T21:47:09+00:00

All base units and extractor hood need to be securely fixed.  Sinks, hobs and any other appliances connected through the worktop need to be made available to the templater on the day.  If you require wall cladding, upstands and splashbacks, wall tiles have to be removed.  If we are replacing existing kitchen worktops, your old worktop will need to be removed. Any sink and hob will need to be disconnected prior to installation.

If I am just replacing my existing worktops, do they have to be removed for you to template?2019-10-08T21:47:27+00:00

Yes please, we need to template directly on top of the units so please have them loosened or removed. You can put them back after we have templated, until we fit the new ones.

Do we need to arrange a plumber, gas man or electrician to be there when fitting?2019-10-08T21:47:47+00:00

Our company is not certified to carry out any sort of electrical, plumbing or gas installation work. As such, you will need to make the appropriate arrangements with the relevant trade professionals to disconnect and reconnect your services. If any of the above trades are needed they can be called in when we have finished.

What If I notice that something is wrong once the stone has been installed?2019-10-08T21:48:13+00:00

Here at Not Just Granite, we pride ourselves on our customer service both before and after your worktop installation. If you have any questions about our work, please contact us and we will discuss, advise, and address all areas of concern.

Do you have Terms & Conditions of sale?2019-11-07T13:22:05+00:00

Yes. Please click here to view our Terms & Conditions of Sale.
